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Anjajavy L`Hotel - Travel Review

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Posted by  Simba Saturday, 26 August 2006 18:38

Anjajavy L`Hotel - Travel Review

From: Name: Corrina Wilson

The Anjajavy Resort, Madagascar

7 days drive from the nearest civilisation, it is hard to believe such luxury is possible. The resort is run by South African team Carlton & Wendy, who run a tight, friendly ship and go out of their way to ensure each guest has a fantastic and memorable stay. The resort’s Malagasy staff are also incredibly welcoming and extremely talented, doubling up their regular day duties as site chef, gardener, waiter, maid etc. to perform spellbinding traditional song and dance spectaculars in the evenings. If you go to this resort go for a surreal afternoon tea with the wild lemurs, visit the 2000 year old baobab and go deep sea fishing, you'll never catch fish like it again in your lifetime. Oh, and of course I forgot to mention, the whole resort is genuinely magical.

Details from my Review on the Anjajavy Hotel:

Arrival: 30 April 2006
Departure: 06 May 2006
Accommodation type: Boutique hotel
Quality of furniture and linen: great
Value for money: above standard
Would I recommend it? yes
Was the place clean? spotless
Would I return? yes
How friendly was the management? very friendly
How friendly was the staff? friendly
How friendly was the driver? friendly
Did the lodge / hotel practice eco-tourism? yes
Did the driver practice eco-tourism and was considerate to animals? yes

Contact Details

Website of the place:
Phone number of the place: +33 (0)1 44 69 15 00 (relais & chateaux)