As I plan our next safari--this time to Kenya--I've been reliving the last one. I was just going over my website and reading about our experiences and reliving through pictures. Thought I would share these photos which show a tribe that is changing today--or that is what I read is happening. There is an IMAX film on migratory habits which focuses on animals, birds, wildlife, etc. except that included are the Hadzabe. We were there 9 years ago before the most current impact of modernity. [URL=]Hadza People[/URL] There are two pages of photos. If interested there are links that will take you to narrative about this experience--or do a search for Hadza on the site.
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People of the Hadza Tribe

Do foreign visitors who join the Hadza for a couple of days of activities help or hinder the plight of this people in your opinion? Are the cultural and hunting visitations a good idea from the perspective of the Hadza? Would you encourage visits?

I am not certain what is happening with contact with the Hadzabe now. When we went, these types of contacts were limited by the Tanzanian government in order to protect from exploitation and encroachment . It seemed that we and they enjoyed the interaction and sharing of their culture and ways. It was very low key as we joined with them. My understanding now is that there has been some type of presence of missionaries who have impacted the culture and their indigenous ways. The group we went with no longer offers the opportunity we had because of this.
We have also had time with one of the indigenous tribes in the Ecuadorean rain forest. Modern civilization is encroaching there, too. However, at the time we were there, that impact was not yet apparent for this group.
As with the Hadzabe, there was no indication that things were different than they had been for centuries--except they were no longer head hunters--which I guess does speak to some influence towards change.
Your question is difficult to speak to as there are so many dimensions and sociological and anthropological issues involved. But, I do know that our lives were enriched by these experiences and I hope we did not take something away from or diminish the people and the cultures.
BTW, my avatar is a little girl from the Datoga Tribe which settles in small compounds in the Rift Valley in Tanzania.

It is a tough question however unfortunately I think we have all gone too far and beyond return.
Apart from some VERY remote pockets in Africa or South America - civilization has gone everywhere.
It will just be a few more decades where even these pockets will be caught in our world - everyone with a wrist watch and cloths made in China, Taiwan or where ever....
However - some of them actually come out and look for new changes as well. It is tough.